“Never waste time inventing things that people are not likely to buy.” Thomas Edison

Free Audit

Demandez un AUDIT GRATUIT & SANS ENGAGEMENT de votre site WEB



Creation of your showcase site 5 pages: Home, Contact, 3 pages Services (cookies, SGC by default)

  • Quality theme
  • Setup
  • Hosting and Site
  • SEO Optimization
  • Rédaction des textes
  • Search for keywords,
  • Integration of visuals and optimization,
  • Configuration emails/ contact form,
  • Implementation of Google Analytics,
  • Google Search Console

From 600€ *

This price varies according to specific requests, plugins.

This price does not include the domain name, hosting, theme and plugin. VAT not applicable


Creation of your online store 5 pages: including Home, Contact (cookies, default GTC) + product sheets

  • Quality theme
  • Setup
  • Hosting and Site
  • SEO Optimization
  • Rédaction des textes
  • Search for keywords,
  • Integration of visuals and optimization,
  • Configuration emails/ contact form,
  • Creation of product sheets, categories, attributes…
  • Implementation of Google Analytics,
  • Google Search Console

From 1000€ *

This price varies according to specific requests, plugins and number of items to create.

This price does not include the domain name, hosting, theme and plugin. VAT not applicable

Maintenance & Update
Be on the safe side !
/ Month
Site update (theme and plugins)
Monitoring of Google Metrics
Maintenance Security
Social Media
Social media tracking
/ Month
Creations of 4 Posts
4 Posts
Commitments Tracking
1 post on Blog
Website Changes
Content updates
/ Hour
Changes to the pages of your website
Social media posts