
E-shop website


An e-shop or a merchant shop is a type of website that allows companies to sell products or services directly to customers via the Internet. There are many platforms to build your ecommerce site like WooCommerce, Shopify, and Magento. Each tool allows to create an e-commerce site. However, the choice of cms(Content management system)is very important. Indeed, it will impact your marketing strategy as well as optimization SEO e-commerce to position your site in search engines.



An e-commerce site allows your business to reach a global audience. Therefore, this can significantly increase your potential customer base.

Unlike a physical store, an online store is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means that customers can make their purchases at any time that suits them.

The running costs of an online store are generally lower than those of a physical store. For example, you don’t need to pay rent for a physical location or hire as many staff.

With an e-commerce site, you can easily manage your inventory and track customer orders. In addition, you can get detailed sales reports.

An e-commerce site allows you to customize your customers' shopping experience based on their preferences and buying behavior.

With an e-commerce site, you can collect valuable data about your customers. This will allow you to create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

In short, creating an online store can be a profitable investment that can help your business grow and thrive in today’s digital world.


Checkout process

E-commerce sites typically offer several payment options, such as credit cards, PayPal, etc. They use encryption technologies to ensure the security of customers' payment information.

Product catalogue

An e-commerce site usually presents a catalogue of products or services that customers can browse. Each product or service usually has its own page with details such as price, description, photos, and sometimes customer reviews.

Shopping cart

Customers can select the products or services they wish to purchase and add them to a “shopping cart”. They can then view their shopping cart, change quantities, delete items, etc., before proceeding to the checkout step.

Order management

Once the order is placed, the e-commerce site manages the shipping process and provides updates on the order status. Some sites also offer tracking options so customers can track the progress of their order.

Customer service

E-commerce sites usually offer customer support to help customers with their orders, answer their questions, manage returns, etc. This can be offered directly through an online form, phone number or live chat.